
Showing posts from February 28, 2021

Comfortable and familiar - a wheelbarrow of memories and a lilly for Granny...

 Today's one of those mornings that there just isn't enough coffee. Three cups in and looking for my fourth. A day I'm not looking forward to and wish I didn't have to face. Turning on the radio isn't helping. I'm so tired of country music. I find myself awakened by a haunting dream of tomorrow... not past mistakes, but a foreboding of what is to come. A dream of being released. The happiness of walking out the front gate... turning into the reality of the loss of so many people over the years of my tenure here. I find myself leaving a pit of despair to a world alone. The irony pinnacled by the fact that I've been incarcerated for robbery only to find myself being robbed of life itself. The memories. The experiences. The enjoyment of the family and friends that i so ignorantly took for granted. Hope evaporated as if a wisp of smoke. My image of a happy reunion was in fact just that; a dream which I realize now was merely false hope. The hardest part for me -...