On finding the man in the mirror...
One more day behind me and the beginnings of another. It's crazy how time is so relevant to what's going on in our lives. How 60 seconds can seem a lifetime, yet as we age and look back on our lives and their entirety, it's seems to have passed in minutes. I guess that old cliché of "where did time go" actually has a reality of its own. The same goes for life in here, even though the days go by slow as hell, dredging on and on...and on and on, with a feeling of a millstone anchored to my neck, it passes nonetheless, and to actually contemplate on just how fast time has sped by, compared to how slow the present creeps by, is amazing. I think the biggest shock and awe is how i've aged. when I first came to prison all the old timers were calling me 'young'n'... now...all the ' youngins ' are calling me old school... Not cool by the way...I'm not appreciative, and there should be a rule against that...matter of fact forthwith the use of ...