
Showing posts from April 19, 2021

Riding shotgun with Delilah on the curvy road of redemption...

 W ell, another week behind me - thank goodness. I'm up early this morning, first cup of coffee and listening to a live album by Gary Clark Jr. As I've grown older I've noticed my taste in music has changed significantly. Granted I still like to listen to heavy fast riffs and vocals, but I'm now leaning way more towards the newer blues of the day. Much slower and laid back. I guess the change in pace is kinda therapeutic and calms me from this stressful hell. Mornings are my favorite time of day. I love looking out my window as the world awakens. Usually the crows are the first to start moving, This morning it's the family of deer that I have grown used to. I know each one. There were 6 before hunting season, now there's 5. I guess it happens that way. I notice 2 of them are sporting some huge bellies. It looks as if they'll drop a few fawns any time now. Mornings are nice because it's so quiet  As I've gotten older, one of the things that I just abh...