
From Greg to the world outside the barbed wire...

 Well hello there! This is my first blog entry and i'm actually very excited about putting my thoughts, feelings, and daily life into a context you can understand and hopefully feel. I'm curious to see who will take notice or even be interested in my life as a prisoner in the Virginia Prison System. I have been to about 7 different prisons over the years and currently reside at Keen Mountain Correction Center. I've been behind bars now for 15 years (2005-) with a few more years to go until my "debt" to society is paid. In 2006 I was sentenced to 28 years in prison for gun charges, property crimes, and drug related offenses along with a Capital Murder charge (dropped). I have earned "good time" and completing various self-help programs I will end up serving a reduced sentence.  Why such a lengthy sentence for such minor offenses? Simple - the system is broken! You hear so much about prison reform and Black-lives Matter and while grateful these programs ex...