
Of Cellies and things that go bump in the night...

 Associations. I try to keep the number of people I associate with to a bare minimum - looking at quality, not quantity. Of course, considering my situation, quality is in short supply. I do have a couple good friends or "stickmen" that I know have my back and will stand with me. These friends are priceless in a place that at times is more of a war zone than a controlled environment. I am loyal to a fault and expect the same out of those that I call friend. Overall inmates are broken into five major gangs:      Bloods.     Cripts.     AB's.     MS13.     Muslims. I consider the Muslim community a gang as does any other convict. While not recognized officially, they embody all the necessary elements much the same way as the Nation Of Islam - NOI. Once considered a "hate" group, they now fall into a self-titled religious affiliation. Whatever! But there are many smaller gangs as well:     Skinheads.     Nazis....

Thank the gods for coffee.

 Overall my days are quite monotonous. I live more of an existence than a life. Some of the time is actually a fight for survival - not only physically, but mentally. For me it's just a pause in time. Although I age and grow older, I grow more in maturity and wisdom. Everyday I wake, look out the 2'x2' window. Gazing at the razor sharp wire along the perimeter fence, the sun sparkling off each sharp strand - reminding me of the threat of harm to not only my body, but my mind as well. It seems the razor wire not only physically keeps me here, but somehow mentally prohibits me from really thinking of a life other than this. It's a terrible thing to want simple freedom so desperately. To look out at the beginnings of the world so close and limitless, yet it may as well be unseen over the horizon. And well it should be, at least then I wouldn't be terrorized and tortured with an absolute of not being able to have what I desire most. Life! I often wonder if this reality ...

Of dreams - from behind the barbed wire.

 Even the cold reality of life behind bars cannot remove the ability to dream... Dreams of Reality Last night I had the most beautiful dream. It was so real, or so it did seem. I woke from my slumber and a visitor appeared. It was you standing there, your eyes filled with tears. I pulled you close and whispered, "baby don't cry", I will always love you; 'till the day I die. I held you and kissed the tears from your face, where they dissolved and a smile took their place. We talked of tomorrow, our hopes, and our dreams, of being together, always a team. We laughed, talked, and made love thru the night, everything was perfect, everything was right. Suddenly I awakened with the sun in my face. I found myself alone, in this desolate place. My dream was so real, I almost forgot, it left me thinking, and these were my thoughts. If you believe in your dreams, you're certain to find, that dreams are a reality of your unconscious mind. So baby don't think we're ap...