Of Cellies and things that go bump in the night...
Associations. I try to keep the number of people I associate with to a bare minimum - looking at quality, not quantity. Of course, considering my situation, quality is in short supply. I do have a couple good friends or "stickmen" that I know have my back and will stand with me. These friends are priceless in a place that at times is more of a war zone than a controlled environment. I am loyal to a fault and expect the same out of those that I call friend. Overall inmates are broken into five major gangs: Bloods. Cripts. AB's. MS13. Muslims. I consider the Muslim community a gang as does any other convict. While not recognized officially, they embody all the necessary elements much the same way as the Nation Of Islam - NOI. Once considered a "hate" group, they now fall into a self-titled religious affiliation. Whatever! But there are many smaller gangs as well: Skinheads. Nazis....