
On finding the man in the mirror...

  One more day behind me and the beginnings of another. It's crazy how time is so relevant to what's going on in our lives. How 60 seconds can seem a lifetime, yet as we age and look back on our lives and their entirety, it's seems to have passed in minutes. I guess that old cliché of "where did time go" actually has a reality of its own. The same goes for life in here, even though the days go by slow as hell, dredging on and on...and on and on, with a feeling of a millstone anchored to my neck, it passes nonetheless, and to actually contemplate on just how fast time has sped by, compared to how slow the present creeps by, is amazing. I think the biggest shock and awe is how i've  aged. when I first came to prison all the old timers were calling me 'young'n'... now...all the ' youngins ' are calling me old school... Not cool by the way...I'm not appreciative, and there should be a rule against that...matter of fact forthwith the use of ...

Riding shotgun with Delilah on the curvy road of redemption...

 W ell, another week behind me - thank goodness. I'm up early this morning, first cup of coffee and listening to a live album by Gary Clark Jr. As I've grown older I've noticed my taste in music has changed significantly. Granted I still like to listen to heavy fast riffs and vocals, but I'm now leaning way more towards the newer blues of the day. Much slower and laid back. I guess the change in pace is kinda therapeutic and calms me from this stressful hell. Mornings are my favorite time of day. I love looking out my window as the world awakens. Usually the crows are the first to start moving, This morning it's the family of deer that I have grown used to. I know each one. There were 6 before hunting season, now there's 5. I guess it happens that way. I notice 2 of them are sporting some huge bellies. It looks as if they'll drop a few fawns any time now. Mornings are nice because it's so quiet  As I've gotten older, one of the things that I just abh...

The curiosity of curves...

I've given you all a small view of my current reality, but I haven't really delved into who I, Greg - am, was or will be. As I have shared in my profile, I was raised in a very conservative christian home. When I was a child my parents were missionaries and that evolved into dad becoming a full time pastor. I guess you can say that I'm not your prototypical inmate in that I have had every opportunity to have a wonderful life. I am the oldest of 4 and by far the black sheep. I was always headstrong and wanted to find my own way. I'm not sure why, but I always enjoyed breaking the rules and being the bad boy. I think mainly because I lived such a restrictive life that I found an outlet and freedom in doing what was forbidden or even taboo.The church I was raised in doesn't bear much resemblance to the church of today. When I was coming up we were not allowed to wear shorts, cut my sideburns, wear jewelry, attend movies, swim in coed pools, go to bowling alleys, watch ...